
Should Athletes Avoid Junk Food?

“I'm training really hard, doing double workouts, and eating only healthy foods. I feel full all the time—but I am losing too much weight. I don't think I could comfortably eat any more…”
“I generally eat clean—but some days I cheat and have ice cream.”
“Fruit juice is bad; it has way too much sugar! I’ve stopped drinking it.”
As the quotes from some of my clients demonstrate, many athletes go to great extremes to eat healthfully.
Needless to say, the definition of “eating healthfully” varies from person to person—and often takes on a religious zeal, but “healthy eating” tends to include a lot of "no's":
  • No refined sugar, gummy candy, soda pop, sweets
  • No potato chips, corn chips, Cheetos, salty snacks


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